Need help with reading and writing?
Need help with English?
Free adult tutoring is available.
Contact your library – Baraboo Public Library, 230 Fourth Avenue 608-356-6166 or stop in to fill out a Tutor Request form.
Who we are and what we do?
The Baraboo Area Literacy Council (BALC) was established in 1986 to address literacy needs in Baraboo and the surrounding communities. The organization is volunteer and non-profit.
BALC provides tutors for adults who need help with basic literacy (reading and writing), or English as a second language (ESL). Tutors and students meet on a one-to-one basis, in a safe place, at their mutual convenience. The service is free and continuous. BALC tutors are trained volunteers who have agreed to a background check.
The BALC welcomes community support and is always looking for new members. The BALC – its board, its tutor coordinator and all tutors – is made up entirely of volunteers. If interested in joining the BALC, either as a tutor or as a board member, please leave your name and contact information, including email if available, at the circulation desk of the Baraboo Public Library or email
If you don’t have time or interest in participating actively in the BALC program, monetary contributions are welcome and needed. Since we are a non-profit group your donation would be tax-deductible. Checks may be made out to BALC and left at the desk of the Baraboo Public Library.